We are going to be selling some of our breeding stock. These are fine pigs that are very good producers, but, as we keep more of the cross breeds that we are producing, we need to let someone else experience the joy of owning these fine pigs.
Bubba, our full blood Large Black boar, is 2.5 years old and, well, large. He is gentle and friendly. He has produced many fine piglets for us and many of them have formed the base of our herd. There is simply too few breeding opportunities, for him, to justify keeping him, so, we are offering him to someone who would like to produce some fine piglets for meat production and breeding prospects.
We are also offering, for sale, two sows. Sow #1 is a 2 year old Yorkshire sow that is a piglet producing machine. She is currently bred to our full blood Mulefoot boar and is due to give birth in early February. Sow #22 is a 1 year old half Large Black, half Yorkshire sow. She is also bred to our Mulefoot boar and is due to give birth in early February. The reason for the sale of these two fine sows is that we have decided to base our commercial herd on the Berkshire sows.
Please contact us if you wish to discuss the pigs further.