Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Piglet Policy at Doster's Heritage

Hello all,

Here at Doster's Heritage we are trying to produce cross bred meat pigs like no others available in the United States. We have and continue to travel the country to find rare breeds to use in our program. It is an expensive and time consuming procedure. With that said, we have decided that, in order to protect our bloodlines, we will no longer sell female or intact male piglets from our 2nd generation of breeding on. We will still sell piglets from F1 crosses from our Yorkshire and Berkshire sows as usual. We will also still sell Full blood Mulefoot piglets and we will sell castrated piglets from all of our bloodlines for those of you who want the best meat pigs available. We are going to keep all of the female piglets, from the 2nd cross on, and raise them to market size, and then we will decide if we will keep them as breeders, or, harvest them and offer the meat for sale.

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